
Step 4. Creating your Quest Log

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for, turning

Step 3. Character Creation

So, now that we have an understanding of how this

A Pause before Character Creation

We’ve done a lot of work so far. We’

Mechanics Part 2

We've looked at how levelling works in a

Step 2. Mechanics Part 1

Before we can create a character, we need to work

Gamification: How to Keep Going

I’ve already touched on how everyday is the first

Look back, or Keep Moving?

It’s happened, I missed a few days. It was

Coffee Shops and the power of the Third Place

Before my office job, I worked at a Starbucks for

Experiment with your life

Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!Ms. Frizzle If you

Romanticise Your Life

Romanticise Verbto talk about something in a way that makes